Google Rolls Out A Pixel Buds Update But Not The One You Think

Google is now officially rolling out a sizeable update to its Pixel Buds true wireless headphones. That’s according to reports indicating the update has been shipping since at least June 10. But this likely isn’t the update most users were expecting based on other recent reports. Instead, software version v296 fixes problems with static that were highlighted in a recent Google survey.

The problem has been known for some time now and, as is implied by that description, results in a hissing noise. That resides in the background for users who have noticed it. But it is nonetheless annoying for those who were hoping for the best possible audio experience. Google hasn’t always done the best job at rolling out updates that don’t also deliver additional bugs. But, at the very least, that problem should now be fixed.

Here’s how to update your Google Pixel Buds

Now, updating Google Pixel Buds isn’t as straightforward as an OTA for a smartphone. Not only does it require users to be connected to data with the Bluetooth-connected smartphone. Users need to have the Pixel Buds turned on and connected.

Then, users will need to navigate to the Pixel-branded Buds’ associated application and tap on the “More settings” option. That will reveal another submenu titled “Firmware update.”

Within that menu, users can choose to have updates applied automatically so that they don’t need to manually check anymore. That’s available at the flip of a toggle labeled “Automatic updates.”

From there, the update should be applied in the background as long as the buds are active. Typically, that means keeping them connected to a smartphone and out of the included charging case.

Those who want to rely on manual updates instead, to prevent the probability of future problems caused by updates will want to skip that toggle switch. Instead, those users should look for the “update available” option. If there is an update available, it will arrive there.

Generally, updates such as this one arrive over a shorter time span. So for those users who haven’t seen the update arrived just yet, it should begin appearing over the next several days.

What audio issues remain to be addressed?

This update leaves at least one big issue still remaining to be addressed for Google Pixel Buds. Namely, those are audio cut-out issues that were also reported in the above-mentioned survey. Summarily, users reported that the audio would cut out — pointing to either Bluetooth or general connectivity problems.

Now, fixes for those issues are forthcoming. In fact, the static-fixing update seems to be one of several software fixes Google plans on rolling out. That was recently allegedly confirmed by at least one Googler said to be familiar with the matter. So this is likely just the first update of several that’s slated to arrive. And, fortunately, the connection problems all appear to be software related too. Otherwise, Google might be forced to ship out replacement units.

Those additional updates should, according to that Google employee, arrive over the “coming weeks.”