New Verizon Prepaid Plans Reward You For Loyalty With Discounts

Verizon has just launched a new set of Prepaid plans that offer discounts for loyalty. Saving users as much as $15 per month, the three newly-reported plans cover a variety of users. All that’s required to get the discount is an account set up with autopay.

The plans don’t necessarily start off cheap. For ‘unlimited’ data, pricing starts at $65 for the first month. But that’s dropped to $60 after the first month, with autopay active. In month three, that drops by an additional $5 to $55 per month. Users will have to stick around for a total of nine months to get the final discount. That drops the price all the way down to $50.

The other two plans work similarly but aren’t unlimited. For 15GB of data, users start out at $50 per month. But that plan can, with nine months of loyalty, drop as low as $35 per month. $40 gets less data-intensive users started at 5GB. That can drop as low as $25 after nine months. As with the other new plans, that’s if the customer keeps autopay going for the entire period.

Are hotspots available with the new Verizon Prepaid plans?

Of course, Verizon includes unlimited talk and text with its new plans. And the company includes a hotspot with the 15GB and 5GB plans. Although, that’s not unlimited, with marked against the total amount paid for.

To gain access to a hotspot on the Unlimited Plan with the new Verizon Prepaid structure, users will need to pay an extra $5 per month. That takes the total for the first month up to $70, for the second month up to $65, and so on. After nine months, the price would come in right at $30 per month.

For that price, users get 10GB of high-speed data over the hotspot. Speeds drop all the way down to 600Kbps after that’s used up.

It’s also worth noting that users who bypass their data allotments, as is the case with all carriers, will see speeds reduced. In the case of the new loyalty-based Prepaid plans from Verizon, that’s all the way down to 2G speeds. And, as is the case with just about every carrier, video playback is only guaranteed at 480p. That’s with the exception of times where network congestion is high, which will drop quality further.

Finally, Verizon’s new 15GB and Unlimited plans each offer calls to Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, or US Virgin Islands. The latter of those also offers at least some data for use in those two countries at no extra charge. That’s where the 4G device in question is compatible and is limited to 0.5GB per day. After that, speeds drop to 2G. And, that may be revoked if — over a 60-day period — users utilize more than half of their talk, text, or data in the covered areas.

Is this plan worth it?

Verizon’s new plans, at least for unlimited data, are most closely aligned with its $70 Start Unlimited plan. So, by comparison to its own plans, these new Prepaid offers are actually not bad. Especially with consideration for the steep drop after 9-months. The same effectively follows for comparisons to offers from other carriers. So this does, at the surface, seem like a good deal.

Users may want to do a bit of math, however, as well as checking Verizon coverage in their area just to be sure. As with most US carriers, taxes and other fees may not be included for the new pricing.