Viber Launches Fundraising Campaign To Fight World Hunger

In a press release, Rakuten Viber has announced a fundraising campaign to fight world hunger amid COVID-19 pandemic. Note that Rakuten Viber is one of the world’s leading free communication app. Viber is available across platforms and provides services like voice over IP and instant messaging. This campaign has been launched, keeping in mind the global hunger that arose because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rakuten Viber has now launched a dedicated community and a sticker pack dedicated to the cause.

The funds collected by these Viber campaigns will go to the organizations such as Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), World Wide Fund (for Nature) (WWF), UNICEF, U-report, and U.N. Migration.

The press release states, “Rakuten Viber, one of the world’s leading apps for free and easy communication, announces the launch of its campaign to raise funds for organizations fighting global hunger in the wake of widespread COVID-19-induced food shortages. With a brand new sticker pack and community dedicated to the cause, Viber’s campaign will engage the company’s users and employees, as well as donate the proceeds to development partners such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), World Wide Fund (for Nature) (WWF), UNICEF, U-report, and U.N. Migration.

Viber is joining hands to bring a downward trend in the world hunger due to COVID-19

It is a fact that coronavirus has disrupted every industry and sector. Besides, major economies of the world are seeing there economies going south. And such a scenario has given rise to the world hunger index. Moreover, as per an estimate by the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) in April, at least 265 million people could go hungry in 2020. This number is frightening, and nearly twice as many as last year.

Viber is taking such a good initiative to bring a downward trend in world hunger. And for that, Viber is launching a community called “Fight World Hunger Together” and a sticker pack. The sticker pack will be available in English and Russian. Users who wish to support this campaign financially can download these sticker packs. And the profit generated by this will be donated to charities battling world hunger.

Meanwhile, the Viber owned “Fight World Hunger Together” community will educate people about how changing certain habits, for instance, eating, shopping and cooking can reduce food waste. Ultimately, this will help vulnerable people have more stable access to food. The community will also educate people about the impact of the hunger crisis.

Another great initiative that Viber is taking is that for those who do not have funds to donate now, can support by joining the newly created community. People can show support by adding family members and friends to this community. Moreover, once the community reaches 1 million users, Viber will donate $10,000 to fight world hunger.

Djamel Agaoua, CEO of Rakuten Viber, stated that in this vulnerable situation, Viber could not sit idly and see the people suffer. These new campaigns are Viber’s way of bringing people together and strongly fight against world hunger due to COVID-19. For those who wish to support this cause, head over here and invite as many people as you can to join hands with Viber in this great initiative against food hunger.