Spotify To Give Additional Control Over Connection Streaming Quality

Spotify looks to be adding more control of connection streaming quality when using WiFi and cellular connection. First spotted by Jane Manchun Wong in a tweet, the app will give users different quality options for both WiFi and cellular streaming.

Spotify has worked to add many new features over the past few weeks and months. Most recently, the app added a karaoke mode, group sessions, offline playback for free users. Prior to this Jane Wong once again spotted that Spotify would add a feature called ‘virtual events’.

This means that this is yet another innovation made to Spotify as reported by Phone Arena. Adding distinct options for users using  cellular streaming and WiFi streaming appears to be a nice addition to the app.

Spotify adds extra control over streaming quality

As the screen shot below shows users will no get separate options for WiFi and cellular streaming. Currenlty, there is only one option available to choose the quality of streaming. This is regardless of the type of connection.

There are five options available by going to Music Quality -> Streaming. These are Automatic, Low, Normal, High, and Very High.

Now this extends to separate options for both WiFi and cellular connection. The screenshots we have seen do not show whether the same five options will remain available. You can only assume that they will but there is no way to confirm that this will stay the case.

Extra streaming quality control to help those with limited data plans

This feature will be of great help to many, especially those on limited data plans. Being able to control the streaming quality on cellular connection in order to manage the amount of data you have available to save you money.

Spotify has to continue to add features like this in order to maintain its place amongst all of its competition. The competition remains as strong as ever and Spotify will have to keep innovating to keep pace with them.

Therefore, you can only assume that innovations like this will keep coming from Spotify. There is currently no confirmation as to when this feature will fully roll out and how long that will take.

To find this out we will have to wait and keep our ears to the ground. However, givne it is a fairly minor change the likelihood is that it will not take very long to full roll out. Hopefully, users should get this control over streaming quality fairly soon.