Twitter Rolls Out Share Sheet To Disgruntled Android Users

Twitter will officially roll out its new share sheet update to all Android users. However, as reported by Android Police, the new update has not pleased many users given its slightly strange UI experiment.

Twitter has been no stranger to experimental updates in the last few weeks and months. Some have been exciting but not all have pleased everyone like the controversial introduction of fleets.

It emerged recently that users can mute fleets but you can only do so on a one by one basis. This means that it will be difficult to avoid fleets if you so wish.

There are also rumours of a new chat rooms system coming to Twitter soon. News broke last week that Twitter has plans to trial clubhouse-like voice chat rooms on its platform as part of a new feature. How successful this will be is anybody’s guess but it shows that Twitter wishes to continue to innovate.

Twitter announces Android roll out of share sheet

Twitter announced the official roll out of its share sheet update a few days ago. This came after various tests and experiments with the UI. However, much to many people’s annoyance Twitter used a UI system that for many does not offer a visually pleasing product.

Before the update the share sheet lets you send tweets to a selection of recent contacts via direct messages. One of the experimental updates included all of the old options in an extra row.

However, the new system that Twitter has gone for puts all the previously held shortcuts in the same row as other apps. Except for “Send via Direct Message” buttons this makes it much harder to access previous shortcuts.

By default, the “Share via” shortcut is also at the bottom of a vertical list. As a result, many users have found the update quite annoying.

The update originally arrived on iOS and this Android version is pretty much a direct copy. iOS users found the system annoying and upsetting as well so it seems the reaction to this is one of universal annoyance.

With the update rolling out officially now to all users it seems like this update is here to stay permanently. Twitter looks like they have missed the mark on what people actually wanted from this share sheet with much of the usefulness of the previous system removed. It will be interesting to see if the company reacts to the backlash but we are not holding out much hope.