Discord On Mobile Just Leveled Up With A New Screen Share Feature

Discord on PC has allowed users access to a screen share feature for quite some time, and now that feature is making the jump to mobile users.

While Discord is an app that was built around gaming, this past year has seen Discord make a few changes to try and become more inclusive of everyone. Including people that don’t play games. This was a good move by Discord to just be a great place to chat with friends and like-minded individuals about, really anything.

And especially during this past year. Screen share has helped people hang out with their friends in any number of ways. Whether it’s to livestream gameplay to other people who you normally play with, or just to watch TV shows together. And now that mobile is on board, anyone that uses Discord regardless of the device can share stuff with friends in this way.

Screen share will be fully rolled out to Discord on mobile by Thursday

Discord says that all users will have access to the new feature by Thursday, December 17.

Some users will have be able to use it today though. So if you use Discord on Android or iOS, pop into the app. See if the feature is there for your enjoyment.

To share your screen, you need to be in a voice chat. Once you’re in one, there should be a button visible in the bottom navigation tray specifically meant for sharing your screen. On the Windows app, this button looks like a tiny PC monitor icon with an arrow in it.

On mobile, the button you’re looking for will be an icon of a tiny phone instead of a PC monitor. It’ll still have the arrow in it though. Tap that and you’ll be met with a secondary verification that you want to share your screen.

And once you tap start broadcasting everyone in the chat will be able to see what you see. Discord about 20% of its users on mobile will see the feature today. The remaining users will see it by tomorrow.

Screen share will not work on tablets for now

Although the feature is rolling out to mobile devices as we speak, this only includes phones. This means if you use Discord on a tablet, you won’t have access. For now at least.

It does have a plan to extend the mobile screen share to tablets at some point in the future though.