Notification Maker App Allows You To Create Notifications With Images

Notification shade reminders can be quite useful. The problem is, if you’re using a calendar app, or something of the sort, those notifications are easy to remove. Well, that’s where the Notification Maker app comes in handy.

The Notification Maker app can create persistent notifications with images

This application allows you to create notification reminders, and it also allows you to make them persistent. In other words, you won’t be able to swipe away those notifications by accident. Once a persistent notification is created, you’ll need to tap the “Finish” button in order to remove it.

In case you’re wondering, yes, you can create non-persistent notifications as well. Best of all, this app allows you to create notifications with images included, and it allows you to use different accents.

You can use various accent colors here

For the notification in the image below, I’ve used a red color, but several others are available. The app also allows you to set future reminders, in case you don’t want to pin that notification to your notification shade straight away.

This app is actually somewhat similar to the Remind Me application that we’ve talked about recently. The two apps do look completely different, though, and don’t exactly offer identical options. This one looks more modern, while the Remind Me is completely simplistic.

That is basically it. The app doesn’t really offer a ton of features, but it does that one thing really well. I don’t know about you, but I’ve dismissed way too many reminders over the years, it has become quite a problem.

An app like this makes sure you don’t dismiss the most important notifications. You don’t exactly have to use it for all reminders, but those really important ones… well, you may want to think about it. The persistent notification option makes it worth it, let alone the fact you can include an image in there.

This app is free to use, though it does come with ads. The download link is included below, in case you’re interested.

Download Notification Maker (Play Store)