Luna Just Got Two Major Games Last Night That You NEED To Play

Last night was the annual Game Awards show and while much of it was about new game trailers, there were also some announcements from Amazon about its Luna cloud gaming service.

Some of this revolves around a new deal Amazon is offering on a Luna bundle. Which is a pretty good deal, but we’ll get to that in a bit. In addition to the new Luna bundle, the Game Awards was also used as an announcement platform for Amazon to usher in two new major games to its service. Both games are mega hit titles that you absolutely NEED to play. Especially since you can stream them for free if you’re subscribed to the Luna+ channel.

Amazon announces two HUGE titles for Luna at Game Awards

Luna already offers some pretty decent AAA titles, but last night’s additions are some really heavy hitters you’ll want to play if you haven’t played them already. Even if you have, why not play them again? They’re amazing. And they offer some good replay value.

So, what are the two new titles? Devil May Cry 5 and Yakuza: Like A Dragon. Both of which have been on our lists for best games for PC and console before. In fact, Yakuza: Like A Dragon is still on the one for Xbox Series X|S, because it’s just that good.

To make things even sweeter, both titles are already available in the Luna+ channel. As they were added last night during the event.

Grab the Fire TV Luna bundle for a limited time

If you’re new to cloud gaming and were thinking of checking out Luna, this bundle is the best way to do it. For a limited time, Amazon is offering a bundle that includes the Fire TV Stick 4K and the Luna controller (which is the best way to enjoy Luna from a controller standpoint) for $90.98. Down from its original price of $124.98.

Amazon doesn’t say how long the limited deal will last. Just that it’s limited. But if you order quick enough it’ll arrive before Christmas. Which you may want to take advantage of if this is supposed to be for a gift.

Amazon Fire TV Luna Bundle - Amazon