T-Mobile May Unveil New $45/Month 'Base Essentials' Plan

T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon are all battling it out to get more people to use their phone services. They’re the three main carriers in The States now, and they all charge a fair bit for their plans. T-Mobile seems to offer some of the less expensive plans, and it might unveil a new “Base Essentials” plan that’s even cheaper. This plan will be its cheapest plan when it’s officially announced.

The Base Essentials plan will have pros and cons for T-Mobile customers

If you’re planning on using any of the major carriers’ plans, you’re going to need to shell out a bit of money each month. While they cost a lot, they often have some really enticing perks. For example, T-Mobile customers can now get unlimited Google Photos storage with 2TB of Google One storage. However, what if you don’t really want to spend too much money? This is where this new deal could come in.

This was spotted by The T-Mo Report, and it shows a leaked image of T-Mobile’s plans. On the end, we see the Base Essentials plan with its details. It’s pretty bare-bones when it comes to perks, but that’s to be expected. For one line, you’ll pay $45/month. Two lines will cost you $80/month, three will cost $100/month, and four will cost $120/month.

So, what’s good about the plan?

For starters, the price. One line in the Base Essential plan costs about 55% less than Verizon’s cheapest plan, and about 44% less than AT&T’s cheapest plan. So, if you’re looking to save more money, this plan will probably suit you. On top of the savings, users will also get a year of Paramount+ for free.

You’ll get 20GB of high-speed data for the month, and when that runs out, your speed will be diminished to 1.5Mbs. In all honesty, that’s not too bad compared to other companies; 1.5Mbs is still usable.

Now, what’s bad about it?

So yeah, the T-Mobile Base Essentials plan is much cheaper than the competitions’ plans, but that comes at a cost. Because it’s cheaper, you’ll get fewer perks, so if you want some extra goodies, this is not the plan for you. You don’t get an auto-pay discount, and you don’t get the 3rd line for free. Also, if you plan on using hotspot data, it’s unlimited, but it’s capped at 600Kbs.

Verizon’s cheapest plan grants you unlimited data with your choice of Disney+, Google Play Pass, or Apple Arcade with the addition of Apple Music for six months.

On the AT&T front, you get unlimited data, AT&T ActiveArmor security, and Google Stadia thrown in for six months. AT&T’s hotspot data is limited to 3GB for its cheapest plan, but it’s much faster.

We don’t know when T-Mobile will officially unveil this plan, so you’ll need to wait. If you’re looking for a cheap plan to cover the basics, you might want to wait for this plan.