Download the iOS 16 Wallpapers For Your Superior Android Phone

After Apple announced iOS 16 yesterday at WWDC, many are looking for the new wallpapers that Apple showed off in some of the demos. Thankfully, someone has made them available for download. So you can put them on your far superior Android smartphone, instead of having to use an iPhone to get them.

There’s only one wallpaper – available in light and dark modes – that is new for iOS 16 right now. There will likely be more available when the final build launches in the fall with the new iPhone 14 models.

This wallpaper is pretty similar to other wallpapers that Apple has put out in the past. It has some blue and yellow accents within them. And looks pretty nice actually.

You can download the wallpapers from the .zip by hitting the button at the bottom of this post.

Why would I want to use iOS wallpapers?

Well why not? It’s just a wallpaper, and it looks pretty great on displays like the Galaxy S22 Ultra and the Pixel 6 Pro. Which have those beautiful OLED displays at 120Hz. And you can play a trick on your friends, making them think that you are running iOS 16, when you actually aren’t. Though most likely wouldn’t believe you.

Android and iOS users borrow wallpapers all the time. And it’s always good to change up your wallpaper from time to time, so you’re not stuck with the same wallpaper all the time. You could also use an app to blur the wallpaper, which will look really nice on the home screen, as it makes your icons and widgets stand out a bit more.

You can download the iOS 16 wallpapers from Mediafire by clicking the button below. It includes them at their full resolution, which will work great on Android tablets and smartphones.

Download iOS 16 wallpapers