Instagram now takes its Sensitive Content Control beyond the Explore page and covers almost all areas of the platform, The Verge reports.
Instagram‘s Sensitive Content Control traditionally applies on the Explore page only, and the settings that users determine don’t affect other parts, like feed and search. But this pattern is going to change. According to the company’s blog post, the Sensitive Content Control feature now covers feed, search, hashtag pages, Reels, and Accounts You Might Follow. The new covered areas are mostly recommended by Instagram algorithms.
Instagram Sensitive Content Control now covers more areas of the platform
Instagram also introduced three new toggles to replace its old “Allow,” “Limit,” and “Limit Even More” toggles. These toggles determine the filtering scale. In the related settings page, you can now see “More,” “Standard,” and “Less.” toggles that allow you to determine the scale of applied filters.
The setting for this page is set to Standard by default, which shows some sensitive content. However, you can choose “More” to see the most and “Less” to see the least sensitive content. Choosing “More” doesn’t mean you can see all explicit content on Instagram. The platform still removes content that goes against its policies.
While this change might be done with good intentions, some creators are worried about how the new filters treat their content. After the initial launch of the Sensitive Content Control feature, creators working on art, cannabis, sex, and tattoo complained about the filters applied to their content. However, Instagram’s spokesperson denied the case and even said the new feature could increase some creators’ visibility.
But maybe creators can be correct, and Instagram should change its new filters a bit. New filters are not specific. They give only a general view of contents that a user doesn’t want to see in the platform. If the filters could be more specific, it would be more satisfying. Honestly, users should be able to clearly choose the types of content they don’t want to see.