Telegram Reportedly Exposed User’s Data To German Police

According to AndroidPolice (via Der Spiegel), Telegram had received requests from the German police to expose some users’ data related to criminal cases.

Telegram has always claimed that it respects the privacy of its users and does not share their data with third-party centers. But it seems that the pressure of the German government has caused Telegram to hand over some users’ data.

As per the report, these users were related to terrorism and child abuse cases. Also, the Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office has asked for their information.

Surrendering the user’s data related to child abuse and terrorist activities is common among messaging apps. In Telegram’s website FAQ section, the company pledges not to transfer even “0 bytes of user data” to any third party. However, in section 8.3 of the privacy policy, Telegram clearly states that it surrenders the IP address and phone numbers of users who are linked to terrorism-related charges. This section was updated in 2018.

Telegram also promised to publish a report on disclosure activities every six months. But no report has been released so far. The Dubai-based messaging app is now preparing to release its premium tier.

Telegram collaborated with German police over criminal cases

The German government has been in contact with Telegram and asked for its assistance in investigating right-wing extremist groups. These groups are using Telegram to spread their hate speech and coordinate activities. Telegram has also tried to limit the activities of these groups by intensifying content monitoring and enforcement actions.

This is not the first time the governments ask Telegram to help them with criminal investigations. Of course, governments such as Russia and Iran have sometimes pressured Telegram to expose their opponents’ data.

In 2018, Telegram was kicked out of Russia over its opposition to disclosing encryption keys. However, in 2020, both parties could reach an agreement that allows the app to return to Russia.