A coming update will help fix some common Microsoft Teams mobile app flaws

Microsoft Teams mobile app users around the world can now look forward to a fix they need. This fix has to do with how users of this mobile app join online meetings directly from their smartphones. Over the past few years, these users have had to endure the pain of joining online meetings in a rather complicated manner.

On mobile devices, users of Microsoft Teams had to endure joining through so many processes before joining a meeting. Unlike the experience on a Windows laptop or desktop, the Teams mobile app is no fun to use during meetings. The entire process on the mobile app is cumbersome and very tiring for most users.

However, Microsoft is working on an update that will fix the flaws users of their Teams mobile app face. Even though the update is still in its development phase, details on the benefits it’ll bring are already available. If you actively use the Microsoft Teams app, this article will inform you of the updates to expect and how they’d improve your experience.

Changes to come with the Microsoft Teams mobile app update aimed at fixing certain flaws

The major issue that this update aims to fix has to do with the joining of online meetings via the mobile app. In Microsoft’s recent 365 roadmap, the company outlines some of the changes that users of the Teams mobile app should expect. All major changes or improvements users will receive can be classified into three areas.

Each improvement will play a vital role in simplifying the meeting joining process via the Teams app. With the improvements, users of the Microsoft Teams mobile app will be able to join online meetings more freely. The update will also simplify the process of joining meetings online via the mobile app.

The first change Microsoft is bringing will help reduce the meeting joining process via the mobile app. This will improve speed while joining an online for users with smartphones and not Windows devices. To streamline this process, Microsoft will cut down on the steps necessary to join Teams meetings.

Microsoft will also give those joining the meetings without signing in to the 365 accounts preset and preview functions. This will enable them to set up their video and audio before entering the meeting room. Lastly, users with multiple accounts will now be able to switch from one account to another effortlessly.

These changes are all aimed at improving the overall user experience for Microsoft Teams mobile app users. The update to effect these changes will roll out for global users in October. Microsoft will provide this update to both Android and iOS users, enabling them to work more freely using their smartphones.