Android 15 DP2 lets you use the old taskbar on the Pixel Fold

Pixel Tablet and Pixel Fold users get a new Android 15 developer preview upgrade that lets them return to the old taskbar, introduced with Android 12L. Google implemented this feature for users who preferred a stable taskbar over the recent transient one.

Android 15 DP2 introduces an option to bring back the old taskbar from Android 12L

The persistent taskbar initially released with Android 12L was noteworthy for its ability to increase productivity on large-screen devices such as tablets. However, once Pixel Tablet and Pixel Fold debuted, the company revamped this feature by placing lesser emphasis on it thus opting for a transient design that came into view just for a short time after swiping up.

The transient nature of the taskbar did make sense to an average user. However, those used to multitasking could only feel limited by it. Each time people wanted to open another application they had to swipe back down from their current app to access their favorite apps, obstructing seamless multi-tasking processes.

This feature addition aims at satisfying the different tastes of users by giving them options from both taskbar styles. Following their workflow needs, users can now move back and forth between perpetual or momentary taskbars. Android 15 will upgrade the UX/UI in Pixel Tablet and Pixel Fold.

Here’s how to revive the old taskbar in Android 15 developer preview

In Android 15 DP2, Google has introduced a toggle that allows users to choose between the new transient taskbar and the old persistent one, in response to user feedback. Android Authority observed a pop-up menu with an option reading “always show taskbar,” if a user long-presses on a space after swiping upwards from the bar. Turning it on means changing the look of your Android 15’s taskbar and you won’t have to rely on gestures all the time.

All in all, this demonstrates Google’s commitment to integrating this change into Android 15 DP2 for people to feel more confident in customizing their platform and such consistent effort enables each individual to achieve ultimate success while working with any Android device including this Toggle Task Bar.