Once upon a time, paying anything less than a few hundred dollars for a smartphone meant you weren’t getting something of very good quality, but that’s no longer the case thanks to this deal on the 2023 model of the Moto G. The regular price for this phone is $250 but Amazon currently has it on sale for just $150. So you end up saving 40%. For that price, this is a must-have phone for anyone who doesn’t want anything fancy with all the bells and whistles.
It also makes a great phone for parents who have decided to get their kids their first smartphone. Because of its low cost, there’s less of an issue if it breaks. So what do you get for $150? Well for starters, the Moto G 2023 comes with a 6.5-inch display. And that’s great for everything from viewing videos on the web to playing games. It also has a 120Hz refresh rate. This makes scrolling through everything on the phone way more fluid. It’s definitely something you need to experience to get the full scope of how awesome it is.
The phone comes with dual stereo speakers and they have Dolby Atmos support as well. So any entertainment on this phone is going to be that much better.
You’ll never want to go back to a phone with a lower refresh rate. That might be the only downside of it. The Mogo G also has a 5,000mAh battery and that should last you quite a while. While battery life will vary from user to user, this shouldn’t have any trouble lasting throughout the day. Perhaps longer if you’re a more casual user. The fact that it’s carrier unlocked also means it works with just about any major US carrier. This includes T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Google Fi, Mint, Metro, and more.