Google still hasn't fixed Gemini's 'Glue Pizza' problem

Not too long ago, Google Gemini was panned for suggesting that people put glue on pizza. Any human being with more than two brain cells would know not to do this, but it’s still not something a company should be encouraging. Well, it looks like Gemini is still recommending people put glue on their pizza.

Soon after Google unleashed AI Overviews on the world, we’ve been getting numerous reports of Gemini delivering some rather worrying answers to searches. While several of them were fabricated, many were actual answers. One of them that stood above the rest was Google suggesting that people put glue on their pizza to make the cheese stick. That’s a food hack that would get any TikToker canceled.

Google came out and addressed why these odd responses were popping up, and it put some of the blame on users and some on data voids. As a result of this backlash, the company reduced how many search results produce the overviews. Now, you’ll only see overviews on about 15% of searches will get the overviews.

Gemini still recommends putting glue on pizza

Gemini’s Glue-Pizza Gate is still going on, as Google still hasn’t fixed the issue telling people to basically poison themselves. When asked how much glue you should put on your pizza, Gemini will respond by telling you to add 1/8 cup of glue. But it’s okay, as it tells you to put non-toxic glue!

In any case, the repose, provided by the Verge, pointed to a Business Insider article written by author Katie Notopoulos. In the article, she mentioned that she made and ate the pizza, “it was kind of OK?” Apparently, that was all that Google needed to push this food hack even further. Other chatbots like Perplexity AI and ChatGPT all advise against eating glue. This shines a bad light on Google as it’s literally one of the biggest companies in the world. Millions, if not billions, of people use its AI tools each day, so it has a major influence over the global population.

The glue pizza isn’t toxic, but that’s not the main issue

The problem is that Gemini doesn’t know the difference between what’s edible and what’s not edible. Sure, we learn not to eat glue in kindergarten, but not every foreign ingredient is so obviously inedible. The internet is full of weird food hacks that seem odd but work out. There’s no telling if Gemini will point to something that would lead to actual illness or death.

Let’s be honest, there are people who are dumb enough to try anything they see on the internet. However, Gemini needs to be better if it wants to beat the competition.