Displays on some Galaxy Watch Ultra units are… misaligned?

A rather weird problem has surfaced online for Samsung’s brand-new flagship smartwatch. Displays on some Galaxy Watch Ultra units seem to be misaligned. The issue has been mentioned on Reddit, with images as proof.

Displays on some Galaxy Watch Ultra units seem to be misaligned

A user called ‘lbuddha’ shared a couple of images of the issue. Those images are shown below.  As you can see, what’s shown on the display doesn’t seem to be aligned with the case of the watch itself.

The number 9 is a bit too tall, while the 3 is too low. The number 12 is pushed to the right too much, while the number 6 has the opposite problem. You get the gist, it’s not centered properly.

Reactions in the comments are… entertaining, to say the least. Many other Reddit users have advised the owner of this watch to return it and get a replacement. The user himself says that he got the watch directly from Samsung.

Nobody in the comments seem to be having the same problem

What’s interesting is that we didn’t spot a second report in the comment, as it seems that nobody commenting on this issue has the same problem. Some users did say that their units don’t have that problem, however, and even shared images to prove it (with the same watch face).

We also don’t have that issue with our Galaxy Watch Ultra review unit. It works perfectly fine. The question remains how widespread is this issue and if it’s a software or a hardware problem? If it’s a software problem, Samsung can easily fix it. A hardware issue is something else entirely.

The best course of action for the owner of this unit may be to return it to Samsung, or at least get some feedback from the company. We can see why this would bother people, it would surely bother me if I had to use it.