How To Enable Dark Mode On Facebook

Many people prefer dark mode these days. It’s either because they like the look of it, or because it saves battery on AMOLED devices. Either way, many apps, and services have it, and that includes Facebook. Dark mode has been a part of Facebook for a while now, and it’s available on both the company’s web client and Android app. That being said, in this article, we’ll show you how to enable dark mode on Facebook.

We’ll show you how to do that both via the Facebook app, and via the company’s web client. The procedure is quite simple, all you have to do is find the right option in the right submenu, and you’re good to go. We’ll separate app and web client tutorials below. Having said that, let’s get started, the app is first in line.

How to enable dark mode on Facebook via the app

The first thing you’ll need to do is open the Facebook app on your phone. If you’re not logged in, do that real quick. Once you do, you’ll notice the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner. Tap those.

Once the new page opens, find the ‘Settings & Privacy’ menu and tap it.

A pop-up menu will appear, and you’ll need to select the first option on the list, the ‘Settings’.

There you’ll see a bunch of new options, and amongst them will be the ‘Dark Mode’ submenu which we’re looking for.

Once you enter the ‘Dark Mode’ submenu, you’ll be able to enable dark mode by either choosing the ‘On’ option, or the ‘Use system settings’ option. If you’d like the dark mode to be on regardless of your system settings, go with the first one, if not, set it so that it follows your system dark/light mode setting.

There you go, you’ve activated dark mode, and this is what it looks like (below). As you can see, it’s not pitch black, but rather really dark gray.

How to enable dark mode on Facebook via the desktop client

If you’d like to enable dark mode on your desktop as well, well, that’s not a problem. First, you’ll need to open Facebook.com and log in. Once you do that, find the downward-facing arrow in the top-right corner and click it.

A drop-down menu will appear, and one of the offered options will be the ‘Display & Accessibility’ one. That’s the one we need.

The ‘Dark Mode’ setting will be inside that menu, first in line. Here you’ll also be able to choose between ‘On’ and ‘Automatic’. Facebook will take into account the default setting of your desktop OS in this case, so it’s up to you.

As you can see, Facebook dark mode on the webpage is not exactly pitch black either, it’s in line with dark mode on the app.