How To Make A Timelapse With Your Samsung Galaxy S22 Smartphone

The cameras on the Galaxy S22 are really impressive, and they can also shoot a timelapse. That’s a pretty popular form of video for YouTubers, especially those that do daily vlogging. As it’s seen as an easy way to do a transition. But how can you do a timelapse on a Samsung Galaxy S22? It’s quite easy actually, and today, we’ll show you how to do just that.

A timelapse is just one of the many things that the Galaxy S22’s camera is able to do. So without further ado, here’s how you can do a timelapse with the Galaxy S22.

What is a timelapse?

Basically, a Timelapse allows you to show movement from a very long period of time, into a short video. For example, on the Galaxy S22, about 18 seconds of action is packed into a single second. Cameras do this by utilizing a lower frame rate.

For smartphones, we are actually using the term “Hyperlapse”, instead of a Timelapse. The reason for this is because a Timelapse is made from a camera in a static position that doesn’t move for the duration of the video. Think of it sitting on a tripod. A hyperlapse is essentially a timelapse where the camera does move, which works better for smartphones, since you usually have it in your hand when you’re recording it.

How to make a Timelapse with the Galaxy S22

First off, open the Camera app.

Now swipe over to the “More” option.

On this screen, you’re going to want to find “Hyperlapse” and tap on that.

Now you’ll be back to the regular screen. Here you can choose which sensor to use – you can use ultra-wide or the main sensor. And you can also choose to do it in FHD or 4K. If you choose 4K, it will use up a whole lot more space on your phone, so keep that in mind.

To start taking your Timelapse, hit the shutter button. Once you’re finished, hit it again to end. Keep in mind that when recording a Timelapse, a one-second video is actually going to take around 18 seconds to record.

And that’s it. That’s how you can take a Timelapse with your Samsung Galaxy S22.