App Name: Androids Around 2 by Christoph Widulle
Description: Androids Around shows you all Android users worldwide on a map. It is interesting to see who also has a great Android phone around you or where all the other Androids hang around in the whole world. As you can imagine, only users who at least started Androids Around 2 can be counted. So help spread Androids Around by telling your friends. Come back some time and see how the Android world is growing.
How it works: Using the Application is pretty straightforward. You are first presented with a screen that describes the application (like the description above). From there you are presented with a map. Once you hit the menu button your options are: My location, My Android (settings), Map Mode (Satellite or Map), Tell a Friend (Email a Friend), About (which is the description) and Exit. The “My location” feature is pretty accurate because it actually does place you right where you are, which is what it’s supposed to do. It also shows you all the Android devices around you that have used this application at least one time. In the Settings menu, you can add your name, photo, email, website and check or uncheck the “Show my marker on the map” box for your privacy. If you do decide to show your location, your robot icon will be displayed on the map and you get 18 colorful icons to choose from in the settings so have at it! If you really enjoy the application, do not keep it to yourself but email a friend about it with the “Tell a Friend” feature.
Opinion: In the days where Androids are outselling Iphones 28% to 21%, it is an encouragement to us and should be mandatory for us to be counted. This application gives us an idea of the popularity of Android. Granted, we do know that the little green robot is taking the mobile industry like an angry storm but yet this application is only effective if we Android users install this application and show our presence. I’ve opened this application to see who is using Android in the areas that I travel and I tried to not be disappointed, simply because I know that one would have to use this application so I can see them, depending on their privacy settings. The replay value will not come close to a barcode scanner or camera but you can scan any area you visit and reassure yourself that despite what many say or don’t say about Android devices, you made a great decision to buy one. Cheers to you!
- Speed (4/5) – The application is fast
- Features (3/5) – The features are very straightforward.
- Theme (3/5) -The theme is light on the eyes and very simple.
- Overall (4/5) -A great app to see what other green robots are in your town and abroad.
Pro: The application gives you a sense of community with the Android users around you. Just hit the “My location” and see who’s around.
Cons: Although Android is currently outselling Apple’s Iphone in the United States, at this time this application does not reflect an accurate count since Android users have to login at least once to be counted. There is no section in the Settings for a user to display which device he or she possesses.
Conclusion: The functions of Androids Around 2 are simple and the privacy settings are non-intrusive. One of the things that I appreciated in the settings is that you can fill them out or leave them empty, your choice.