There has been many speculations from unknown sources saying there will be a tablet made by HTC sold by Verizon running Google’s Chrome OS. The Source says it will appear in stores “Black Friday” in November. The sources also say that the tablet will be largely subsidized by Verizon in order to compete with the leader, Apple’s iPad.
Some specs that have been said to accompany the tablet are a 1280x 720 multitouch display for the tablet, 2GB of RAM, and a minimum of 32GB of storage. Chrome was introduced as an operating system to power net books, not tablets, although some analysts have said that Chrome could work in both types of devices. One interesting factor is it’s surprising to see HTC going with Chrome OS instead of Android which seems to be a big hit on the smartphone market, but I’m sure we will see an Android tablet from them some time in the future as well.