Motorola Backflip / Cliq XT gets Rooted and 5 Reasons to do it.

The Motorola Backflip has been rooted using the same method as the Droid X, For instructions on how to root the Backflip check here. It is possible that this method might work on all Motorola phones thanks to Sebastian Krahmer at C Skills.Also seems that the Motorola Cliq XT has been rooted as well and am sure many Motoblur Owners will rejoice at that, you will find instructions for the the Cliq XT here. You may be wondering why you would want to root your phone, here are 5 reasons.

  • Speed. You can increase the speed of your phone using several utilities. This may be an interesting feature especially if you’re using an older phone.
  • Hotspot Tethering. You may be running an older version of Android OS that doesn’t allow for tethering natively, or the feature has been disabled by your carrier. This is a great way to get your laptop or tablet hooked up to the internet over 3G.
  • MultiTouch browsing. Yes you can enable pinch to zoom on your Android phone.
  • Add widgets and apps from other Android Phones. Some features are disabled on certain phones. If you like a wideget that can only be found on the Droid, well you can now add it to your phone. You can also add any app that you may be restricted from installing given your build.
  • Upgrade your phone to Froyo 2.2. Don’t wait for you carrier to get around to pushing you an OTA update, install Froyo yourself.

Will you root your phone or have you already done it?