There are reports that Froyo has been leaked for the Samsung Galaxy S and that is some big news; for the owners of the international version of the Galaxy S. Sorry owners of the Vibrant and Captivate you still have to wait for Froyo to be leaked for the U.S version of the Galaxy S, or wait till the official release which still has no release date as of yet.Phones like the Galaxy S and most if not all HTC phones have custom UI’s(user interface) with Samsung using touch wiz and HTC using sense; usually talk a bit longer than other Android powered devices to receive updates due to the custom UI’s the manufactures use. Again the leaked Froyo is for rooted users only with the International version of the Galaxy S, depending on what U.S version you have roll outs of Froyo are TBD but rumors say Froyo should be here within a few months. Be on the look out for the release of the leaked Froyo in the forums out there and update at your own risk.
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