The MB520 aka “Kobe” from Motorola wiggled it’s way through the chatter pipeline a few days back. Now it’s found its way on camera. Here are some images thanks to Engadget of the sensation. As said in the previous days it seems to be finding it’s place on the AT&T network. It is supposed to come with Android 2.1 with “heavily debated” MOTO Blur (complete with Blur logo on back), though we hear through the grapevine that you can expect an update to 2.2 over the air. Along with “Kobe” the codename “Diablo” is apparently the name being tossed around the office, although decisions have already been made on what to call it when it hits shelves. Is this a EVO competitor? Definitely not, but it is a step in the right direction, especially a big improvement since the Backflip. Not much other information is available about this device, but i’m sure something will surface soon. I wonder will Kobe Bryant get one?
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