Never mind 2.2, T-Mo want you to go back to 1.5!
Having first said it would be delayed, T-Mobile UK are now pulling the Android 2.1 update for the Pulse (Huawei U8220) completely. According to the carrier, this is because of reception problems – according to Huawei however, its down to T-Mo not collaborating enough with them as OEM.
Now, this is funny, T-Mo are seriously suggesting Pulse owners go back to 1.5. I’m seriously suggesting they go to the official T-Mobile Hungarian site here, click ‘translate’ and download a version of 2.1 that works perfectly and has been available since June.
Big is sometimes better
A Chaebol is a Korean word that does not translate easily. The nearest English Equivalent is conglomerate and SK Telecom are one of Korea’s biggest. Along with Samsung they will be hosting the fourth ‘Android Application Development Festival’ later this month in Seoul. Now Woodstock or Glastonbury the AADF is not but what it is, is a fantastic forum for the sharing of ideas, techniques and practices amongst developers. The festival centers around a 90 team competition with a total of 325M Korean Won ($270,000) prize money to get the creative juices flowing. Big companies funding creativity is always heart warming and in the end we all benefit.
Korean Tablet
1GHz Snapdragon, 7 inches of capacitive touch screen and a DMB TV tuner. Sound good? Its the Identity TAB (pictured) is the first Korean Android tablet and its available today. for 300,000 Won ($250) up front or spread across a two year contract from KT telecom.
The coolest way to waste your battery
Vringo is a service that lets you install and share video ringtones and is clearly one of the most original ways to waste your battery that I’ve come across. If you don’t think this a pointless vanity or you just prefer watching videos to answering your phone, and 30 million people clearly do, then you will be able to wear your battery down here in the UK too soon, thanks to Orange. Thanks Orange.