Leak: FRG33, Latest Froyo Build for Nexus One

If you’ve got a Nexus One handset, you’re going to be first in line for the latest and greatest build of Android OS 2.2 (Froyo).  The N1 runs stock Android the way Google releases it, without any annoying user interfaces to slow down your update path.

A new build of Froyo’s just been leaked, and of course the experts at XDA Developers found it.  This is an incremental release, with a new radio that was first seen in Korea on their Nexus smartphones.  The radio definitely showed some speed improvements for those who tried it out.  It’s version if you’re keeping track, from the Korean build FRF91.

But that’s all, folks.  No Google applications, just a little optimization.  In fact many of the included Google apps needed an update as soon as the new ROM booted up.  At least Nexus Ones can stay ahead of the customized Froyo builds for devices with their own UIs.  (Helloooooo DROID 2!)

The rest of the version numbers:

android version: 2.2


kernel: android-build@apa26 #1

build: frg33

Thanks to Football for posting the ROM.  And as always, don’t install anything like this unless you know what you’re doing.  Spend some time over at XDA just reading and learn.

Source: XDA Developers, Into Mobile, Android Central