6 Carriers, 24 Hours, 12 New Android Devices

Wow, what a day! CTIA has been crazy.  Phone after phone after phone has been announced.  We have been scrambling to keep up with first looks, reviews and every thing else.  Let’s take a minute to break it all down for you, Just in case you missed anything.

  • Sprint

Sprint wowed us with three new devices.  The Samsung Transform, Sanyo Zio, and the LG Optimus S. The Transform looks like the epic 4G but with slightly lower specs with a slide QWERTY and a price tag of $149.  The Zio is a mid range phone for $99.  LG’s Optimus S is also a mid range phone with froyo for $49.99

  • AT&T

Three is the magic number for AT&T as well, announcing the Motorola Bravo, Flipside, and the Flipout.  These are all beginner or mid range devices.  Besides the Samsung Captivate AT&T seems to keep out of the Android super phone battle.

  • Cellular South

Now for a real shocker, Samsung brought us the FIFTH Galaxy S device in the U.S.  the Samsung Showcase has all of the great features you know and love from the other Galaxy S phones.  Sorry, no slide out QWERTY here either.

  • T-Mobile

T-Mobile only announced one phone at CTIA.  Then again, they did just roll out the latest MyTouch and the G2.  T-Mobile will get the LG Optimus T (get it, T T-Mobile S Sprint).  The T-Mobile version has the same specs of the previously mentioned Sprint phone.  The Optimus T will come with a good heaping dose of Froyo though.

  • US Cellular

US Cellular has also announced their own version of the Samsung Galaxy S phone.  The Samsung Mesmerize is the sixth (if your counting) Galaxy S U.S. phone.

  • Verizon

Ahh big red, what a day.  Verizon is the third carrier to announce three new devices.  We saw the Motorola Citrus, Defy, and the new Droid Pro.  Most interesting is the Droid Pro.  The newest Droid family member has a very BlackBerry-esque look to it.  This may just be the way to convert your BlackBerry toting friends.

Also of note was the Motorola Spice that will be coming to Brazil.  We will never see it, but it is a solid mid range phone.  Now, if you missed something or would like more info on a particular phone, just click the name and read our reviews.