NVIDIA creating Tegra Zone to help Android users find Tegra 2-optimized applications

The Tegra 2 processor is the Dual Core power plant for many of the new high-end devices announced and demoed at CES this year. Nvidia has been touting the prowess of its new processor for some time now and wants to make sure that applications are available that utilize the Tegra 2 to its potential. Nvidia will release an app that will assist users in finding apps that were designed for use on their new core.

Tegra Zone as it will be named will showcase applications and games that push your new tablet or phone to levels that weren’t possible before the core was released.  Allowing early adopters to truly showcase their new devices in the proper light. The GPU is just as powerful as thew new processor so graphics are going to reach a new level when coded properly.

If your in the market for a new Tegra 2 device Nvidia has just made it much more appealing to be an early adopter, placing the benefits conveniently in reach. The new applications written with the core in mind will work on other devices, but will recognize if the new core is available and provide a better experience with code optimization being utilized.

Source: Intomobile