Sony Ericsson decided to announce there commitment to the Android platform; as if it was not already obvious. A look at their current and future lineup reveals an Android playing field. Pocket-lint conducted an interview with the company’s acting head of global marketing, Steven Walker, who explained their stance on the platform.
“We do think it’s important at this moment in time to focus our external messaging on Android based products. We see the need as an industry to galvanise behind the Android ecosystem to create a strong ecosystem for consumers.”
Although they see Android as the current OS of choice, they have not closed the door on Windows Phone 7. He stated that they have an “open mind towards Windows Phone 7.” If the market for Windows Phone starts to grow in a large way expect Sony Ericsson to compete in the market. However for now they are aware:
“There is clearly a galvanizing within the industry around Android as a creditable alternative to what’s out there, and we think that’s a good thing.”
Sony has been publicly criticized for the lack of updates on the current product line, The Xperia X10 on AT&T which was released as a high end device is still stuck on Android 1.6 which is simply unacceptable. Hopefully, they have not left to sour of a taste in the minds of previous adopters. They stated that it wasn’t an issue for normal not “tech savy” customers.
As someone with a girlfriend who most definitely is not tech savy, but got into Android on my recommendation. It is hard to explain why her phone doesn’t support apps designed for 2.0+ and if it does support them it does certainly not at full functionality, why my Droid X runs them with no problem. I don’t feel that rooting her phone is an option, and it shouldn’t have to be. Her question is aren’t we both on new Android Phones? The Xperia X10 did not live up to expectations clearly someone dropped the ball, however Sony Ericsson has noticed this.
“We are launching a product in Q1 of this year running 2.3, we have recognised the need to have our products on the latest release. Last year we didn’t anticipate the strength of feeling that consumers would have towards the Android release. And again that was a learning experience of the first year of mass market Android smartphones.”
Sony has promised “timely” updates going forward with the Xperia Arc and other releases. Hopefully they stick to it this time around.