Live TV Streaming for Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy S II

Live TV streaming is something Android users have always wanted but, there hasn’t been a killer application yet for this service. Samsung is making an attempt using a kind of reverse DLNA streaming where the company’s new D7000 and D8000 HDTVs will be able to wirelessly stream live TV to the phone and tablet.

This all works through the new televisions built-in second tuner with content being sent over WiFi to your mobile device. This concept has a lot of potential if implemented correctly. At this point it is not known if this service will be available remotely over 3G/4G or if it will require use over your home WiFi network. Hopefully remote access is available and this becomes a Samsung SlingBox competitor.

If your a big Samsung fan and plan on getting these new devices this is just one more reason to go all in. There is no information yet if it will be backwards compatible with first gen Galaxy products but it will appeal to a much larger audience if available. Do you think Samsung’s Live Streaming will be a success?

Source: SlashGear