Jamie Oliver's '20 Min Meals' App is in the Android Market

If you’re a Jamie Oliver fan and want to rustle up some of his recipes  from your phone, good news you can. The app will give you step by step guides on what you have to do and a list of what you’ll need for all 60 dishes.  He has even put in a special message with a few kisses at the end. It’s going to set you back $4.99 and this is a special offer so if you don’t want to pay more after the 1st of April you had better get it now. The app has some videos to guide you on your way and pictures so that you get it right first time.

If on the other hand you have never heard of Jamie Oliver he is a very well-known ‘celebrity’ Chef here in the UK and the face of Sainsbury’s a big Supermarket. He is also  an advocate of healthy eating. You may have seen him on TV in the States when he tried to change the eating habits of Children at School, instead of Pizza for Breakfast he tried to open them up to healthy things such as  fruit and the like. It was met with some strange comments by some who thought he was barking mad to ever think that Children shouldn’t be given food that will give them a heart attack by the time they get to 15, but land of the free and all that.

Head on over to the Android Market, you’ll need to have 2.8 MB of space free and running Android 1.6 or more and why not come back and tell us you’re favourite dish?