Gingerbread update for unbranded HTC Desire HD and Incredible S due May 16th

From Eurodroid, the home of “Android news from not-America”, we have further information on the Gingerbread updates for a few of the European HTC phones. In an unattributed quote received directly from HTC Europe was this:

“We’ve been pushing this really hard and are pleased to announce that we are aiming to have the HTC Gingerbread update for unlocked HTC Desire HD and HTC Incredible S models available on 16th May 2011. For those waiting for their specific operator update, rest assured that we’re working very closely with each operator to get this just right and will update you as soon as we possibly can”

So there you have it. The update that was on, then was off is now on again if your Desire HD or Incredible S are unbranded, meaning your phone isn’t loaded down with a bunch of carrier installed crapware.

We covered some of the rumors coming out of HTC Europe right here.