Google I/O Day 0: Alpha Day?

The day started with a two of flights, and one 2 hour lay over. I finally arrived in San Francisco at 4 pm. Turns out that our comrad +Justin Diaz and I were not in the same part of the building! That was frustrating, then we used latitude and his phone died, needless to say it was a rough first few hours.

We finally got on board a public train and found our way to the end of the trail, the Moscone Center. We signed  in and got checked in as press. We got free shirts and big press passes. We then check in to our hotel and found ONE BED!

We remedied that soon. We got in a two bed hotel room and RAN off to a party thrown by Netshelter which was PRETTY SWANK! We felt like kings, they just kept bringing h’orderves to us, fried mac and cheese, salmon on a cracker type thing, all the alcohol you want.

All was good, then we went to Lookout. They had a cool LOUD party with a food truck and loud music, tons of alcohol again. I met a few great people today and will end up meeting even more. Stay tuned for day 1, which starts TOMORROW, or today if you read this.