Featured: Galaxy Tab 10.1 Ban to Take Hold as Samsung's Request for a Reprieve Denied

It’s not looking too good for Samsung in the legal world right now. What with the Galaxy Tab 10.1 having received a preliminary injunction against it alongside the Galaxy Nexus receiving a ban as well. Unsurprisingly, when Judge Lucy Koh granted the injunction against the Galaxy Tab 10.1, in Apple’s favour, Samsung appealed for a reprieve. Samsung made their appeal over the weekend and it’s now revealed that the ITC, specifically Judge Koh, have denied such a stay on the ban and it will not take effect.

Samsung had this to say regarding the decision made by the court “We believe today’s ruling will ultimately reduce the availability of superior technological features to consumers in the United States. Regardless, we will continue to pursue a request for an appeal of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 preliminary injunction, which we filed on June 26 to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Of course, this isn’t going to hurt Samsung as much as it could have done last year what with the Galaxy Tab 2 now on sale and – for now – clear of fire from Cupertino however, the Korean company is still selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1, with plans to update the device to Ice Cream Sandwich this month. It’s beginning to become clear now that Apple aren’t willing to stop going after their competitors. Yesterday, we reported on word that Google and Samsung are looking to “Gang up” on Apple in order to gain a cross-licensing deal, which you can read more of here.

[Source: AllThingsD]