In a curious turn of events, both Apple and Google are now facing patent litigation for infringing on patents related to their presence on the web. We’re used to seeing Google’s partners and Apple going at each other but we’ve never seen them come under fire together from the same entity. Both companies are said to have infringed upon 10 patents owned by Unwired Planet – a company formally known as Openwave whom were a big player when the world was still using WAP. Yepp, WAP. The company has filed suit against Google and Apple for different uses of the patents and this is said to be a move to focus on solely becoming a Patent Holding company. A sad trend that seems to becoming more and more common these days – with technology related patents becoming not only sought after but incredibly expensive.
There are two suits that have been filed in Nevada court and Google is accused of infringing upon the patents in its mobile offerings. Including AdWords, Google Wallet, mobile advertising and the biggy, mobile search. There aren’t many more details than that but it’s strange to see Google in hot water surrounding its core business, at least this doesn’t pertain to Android itself. Meanwhile, Apple are being sued for infringing on the same patents because of the firm’s cloud messaging, mobile digital content, as well as location based services amongst other things.
It’s pretty sad really, to see a company that was once forging a path on the mobile internet turn into a company only looking for cash for some left over patents. Of course, if the game is there for them to play then let them have it but, it’s hardly a nice way to do business is it? This is a trend that is only going to increase with companies looking to release some cash that is now apparently stored away in patents from yesteryear. I can’t see anything major happening out of these claims after all, that’s not what Unwired Planet will be looking for – they’ll be more than happy with a settlement from both or perhaps an aim to license the patents to both parties.
[Source: AllThingsD]