Featured: Don't Expect To See The Galaxy S IV Anytime Soon

Yesterday, we reported a rumor about the Galaxy S IV and that the phone was going to be announced at Mobile World Conference 2013 coming up in February. To happen the week after the iPhone 5 announcement wasn’t too surprising as manufacturers want to steal the thunder back. There were no specs or anything of the sort leaked, although it’s said that the S IV will be packing a quad-core Exynos processor, this time with 4G LTE.

Anyways, as it turns out, the rumor is complete bologna. In last night’s podcast which we should have up here soon, the consensus was that it was way too early for Samsung to be talking about the Galaxy S IV, let alone announce it as early as February. Guess we turned out right. Samsung came out on Twitter and said that the information isn’t true.

The thing is, the Galaxy S III was just released a few months back. Samsung’s strategy was to launch ahead of the iPhone and steal a little bit of their thunder. Well, after over 20 Million in sales, looks like they’re not doing half bad. But to announce a new phone that early? Android manufacturers have done crazier things I guess.