Featured: Google Finds Tablets Used Mostly For Games And Email, When Relaxing

With now being in the majority of US households, tablets have quickly become yet another electronic device that people must own. And according to some new findings by Google, people prefer to relax with them.

Google published a new research study which looked at how people use their tablets. They got feedback from 33 different US tablet users. All in all, most of the findings weren’t too surprising, though some were. Here’s what they found:

  • 60.6% use their tablet while watching TV.
  • 39.4% use while eating or drinking.
  • 27.3% use while cooking.
  • 69.7% use a tablet on a couch, followed by 66.7% on a bed and 54.6% at home.
  • Just 1/3 use a tablet at the office.
  • When it came to what people were using their tablets for, the majority of users were checking email (84.8%), using social networks, looking up information, and Shopping/browsing (all 57.6%), playing games (51.5%), watching video (48.5%), and 36.4% were listening to music.

The full study can be found here and is available as a PDF. It’s interesting how many use their tablets while cooking. With looking at recipes, using your phone can be more difficult when you have a smaller screen and a tablet gives you much more real estate.

Gaming still represents a large chunk of tablet usage and goes to show just how much room there is for better graphics and better performance. Tablets aren’t just for consuming information or watching movies anymore.

Also, looks like there’s no escaping email with more than 8 out of 10 keeping up with their inboxes.