Featured: LG Nexus 4 To Have its Own Wireless Charging Pad?

Have we gotten bored with leaks yet? No? Good, because as usual, there’s even more on its way. The Nexus 4 has to be one of the year’s worst kept secret, it’s had so many leaks that it’s a wonder it hasn’t been on sale for months now. This is something that always happens and I’m sure you’re all used to it by now. Google’s upcoming Nexus 4 has been confirmed to contain wireless charging capabilities thanks to its FCC outing earlier in the month and whilst a lot of phones feature the technology these days, not a lot of them take decent use of the tech. It’s been said that the Nexus 4 will be pushing wireless charging technology like we haven’t seen since the Touchstone days on the Palm Pre. Certainly not a bad idea, after all, there are people out there who modify their Galaxy Nexi to work with Touchstones now, it looks like every Nexus fan will soon have an option for it.

PhoneArena have had a tip-off concerning a charging pad that looks fit to accompany any Nexus product thanks to its minimal design and the “nexus” logo stamped in the centre of it. To us, it looks like this could be from the same mind as the Nexus Q designer however, there is a chance that this could well be an elaborate fake or just a concept that never got any farther. I’m not so sure that it is fake, being so close to the event, leaks like this are going to continue to pour out from every outlet possible. That’s just how it is and how it always will be, we presume.

When it comes to fitting the phone to the dock it’d have to involve magnets of some sort, like the Touchstone of old. I’m pretty excited by something like this, as the staff know, at Android Headlines I’m the only one that feels the need to accessorize all my gadgets. The main reason I keep my Touchpad around is the brilliant Touchstone dock on my desk and I have chargers, docks and stands all over the house. If this is real, it’s gonna look awesome on my desk.

The Nexus 4 is headed for an October 29th launch, just once we’re all done with the weekend so, stay tuned to Android Headlines come Monday, for all the news!