Qualcomm: Are you "Born Mobile?"

Qualcomm has been on the ball lately with the announcement of their new Snapdragon 600 and 800 processors at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last month, and they are ready to show the world once again what they’re made of.  In a world where we have been trained to “hurry up and wait”, we find ways to preoccupy ourselves while waiting for these things to happen, and what Qualcomm appears to be saying here is that among those preoccupations are mobile web surfing. In my case at least, they’re absolutely correct.

A series of videos was published under the ‘Born Mobile’ slogan, in which they had replaced the maps at a local bus stop with a web link aimed at normal people waiting for their ride.  Those mobile users who were curious enough to venture to the site found interesting surprises waiting for them.  Surprises in this case mean many things, and each of them took the user to their destination, but with a twist.  Those twists ranged from rides in a nice Lamborghini, to dog sleds, and even a Limo van full of cute fluffy puppies.


They might be on to something with this, as smartphones allow for maximum portability and ease of use, which is a perfect time killer when you find yourself having to wait.  What do all these have to do with a processor?  Perhaps instead of waiting a half hour for the bus, why not take up a ride in a Lamborghini?  It seems to hint on the essence that you could either be slow and boring, or you could be fast and stylish.  As seen from their processors in the past, being snappy fast seems to be a priority for Qualcomm.


These videos do come in good timing, with the hot announcement of HTC’s One, and the LG Optimus G Pro, which are both powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 600, topped off with the upcoming Mobile World Congress (MWC).  Not only we are hoping for the slew of devices that are set to be announced, but also for the innovations such as the ones we saw at last month’s keynote.  In the extreme sense, the competition they have with the likes of Samsung and Nvidia, they seem to be up to their necks trying to maintain their quality and to produce the fastest mobile experience available.

So what would you believe these ads to mean? And what is Qualcomm trying to prove?  Let us know what you think.


