Could the Galaxy S4 Feature a "Hyper Bright Display"?

Could anyone be any more excited than we are about Samsung’s long-awaited Galaxy S4 launch?  I can name a few people, but that’s neither here nor there.  There are a lot of catch phrases being blasted throughout the internet, and the one we’re focusing on here is “Hyper Bright Display”.

The name seems to explain the general concept in itself, but digging deeper, it appears more than what it actually is.  It’s an improvement from the Super AMOLED display found in the widely popular Galaxy SIII, which is arguably “too dim” and I couldn’t agree more with that.

On Monday of this week, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a report that appears to have denied registry of the patent, describing:

“The evidence also shows that “hyper bright” is a very common type of LED display.  The evidence consists of numerous screen captures for “hyper bright” LED devices.  The applicant’s goods include display screen for smart phones, computers of various types, and televisions.  All of these goods may feature LED display screens that are “hyper bright.”  Because of this, the phrase “hyper bright display” is descriptive of a feature of the applicant’s goods.”

Even though it could be a concept widely used among other companies that produce displays, the actual combination of words has never been put together in such a way.  This is a clear indication that Samsung knows of the problems with their previous models and are working to make it known to the world that they want to improve on it in that category.

All of this sounds great to me, but will it actually appear on the Galaxy S4 as many would hope?  We have heard rumors of the next Galaxy display might be using phosphorescent red and green subpixels in their AMOLED design, so maybe the South Korean tech giant has finally found their solution.  All hope aside, there have been rumors of them using an LCD display which may also indicate that they are not yet quite ready to implement it into their superphone.  All of this is up in the air for the moment, but with the unveiling ready to happen, we will see just what this company has up their elongated sleeve of tricks.  What would you think of Samsung using their featured AMOLED display if it meant that the screen was much brighter than what was found in the Galaxy S3?