LG Optimus G Pro Reaches 500,000 Sales Within 40 Days since Launch

LG has officially announced that its next-gen flagship, the LG Optimus G Pro, has reached half a million units in sales, in 40 days, Android Central are reporting, since it was launched – and that’s just in South Korea, LG’s home country. Not bad for a single country and in just a little over a month.

After the Nexus 4, it seems LG has benefited a lot from the partnership with Google. People have started thinking about them as as a high-quality smartphone manufacturer, and that has had a real influence on their sales in the market. LG  and high quality devices didn’t use to be something you’d use together in a sentence. But LG proved they can make such a device with the Nexus 4, and Google offered them a platform to use to put this idea into people’s minds.

All the early adopters of new technology in the Android ecosystem would pay attention to the Nexus, and that includes all the tech writers and reviewers, too. Even though their own flagship at the time, the LG Optimus G, was also a pretty high quality device, too, if LG had only that phone alone, people wouldn’t have given it much thought. But because LG made a Nexus, everyone was paying attention, and will keep paying attention to LG from now on, a lot more than they used to, even if Samsung and HTC would continue to be the kings the attention in the Android smartphone world.

The LG Optimus G Pro is a 5.5″ display device, so it’s more of a competition to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Unlike the Note 2, though, it comes with a 1080p resolution, and it also includes a Snapdragon S600 processor and 2 GB of RAM. Being released now, it gives the LG Optimus G Pro a little breathing room, at least until the next Galaxy Note 3 appears.

Samsung has been very successful with the Galaxy Note line of smartphones, and since LG likes to always follow in the footsteps of their bigger brother, it as inevitable that they would try to compete in this market, too. It’s not the first time they’ve tried it, but their VU line was a pretty weird one, and it hasn’t gained too much market acceptance. With the LG Optimus G Pro it seems like they are having much better luck.