Featured Review: Suede Jacket for the Nexus 4 from WaterField Designs

Today we’ve got another sleeve from the folks over at Waterfield Designs. This Suede Jacket is available for a few other smartphones as well. Including the iPhone 4S/5, Blackberry Q10 and Z10, HTC One, HTC One X, Motorola Razr HD, Nokia Lumia 900 and 920, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S3 and Galaxy S4, and Sony’s Xperia Z and ZL. This Suede Jacket is $10 and you can choose whether or not you want to add a pocket to your jacket or not. The pocket is an additional $4. The version I have here is for the Google Nexus 4 and does include the pocket. Which I can go ahead and throw my charger in there or even a portable charger if I’m going out to play some Ingress. The Suede Jacket is, as you probably guessed from the name, made our of Ultrasuede which is supposed to protect your phone from scratches.

From my experience, the Suede Jacket for the Nexus 4 doesn’t work if you have the bumper on your Nexus 4. It seems that its too big with the bumper on, unfortunately. But without a case or bumper on the device, it slides into the pocket nice and neat and easily as well. The only thing for me, is I can’t see myself using this type of accessory for my phone. As much as I use my phone, pulling it out of my pocket to check the time, emails, Google+, Twitter, etc., I’d have no place to put the sleeve and it might fall on the ground, get lost etc. I’m sure there are some people out there that would love this sleeve, and for them they should definitely purchase it as it’s probably the best designed sleeve or jacket around for your smartphone.

So would I recommend it? Yes and no. It would really depend on your use case. If you’re looking for a sleeve or jacket for your smartphone, then yes I recommend it. But if you’re just looking for some protection, then you may want to look elsewhere. You can purchase this Suede Jacket from Waterfield Design’s website, and more sleeves and cases as well. Like we said before it’s $10, then $4 for the pocket and $2 for shipping. Not a bad price at all.