We all know about Google Wallet right? That’s Google’s mobile payment service. Now there are two parts to it. There’s the Google Wallet NFC function where you can use your phone to pay for things at McDonalds, Meijer, etc., then there’s the on-the-web function. Basically when you purchase a Nexus device from the Play Store, it uses Google Wallet to checkout. Now according to some sources, Google was planning on creating an actual Google Wallet card. Kinda like a debit card. The card was supposedly going to be all black with a rainbow Google Wallet “W” on the front. It’s now said to be scrapped because of Page’s displeasure in the buggy trial run of the card.
This news comes just days after the Vice President of Google Wallet, Osama Bedier decided to leave Google and pursue other opportunities. This decision is said to come after Page’s displeasure with the physical Google Wallet card and overall dissatisfaction with the program not making the strides expected against the competition like ISIS.
Google Wallet has had plenty of roadblocks. From the carriers blocking the functionality on NFC devices, to many stores not supporting the feature. Meaning you can’t wave your phone to pay for your items. In fact, 7-11 didn’t take to kindly to this sort of thing a few weeks ago.
Right now, the mobile payment industry is pretty fragmented. There are only two real services that I know. That’s Google Wallet and ISIS. Sure Apple has their own, but they don’t have NFC…yet. I’m sure they’ll “invent” it soon enough. I’m still hopeful that we’ll see Google Wallet get some nice updates and new features come Google I/O. But it looks like there won’t be a physical card launching next week. But there will still be plenty of other cool things to check out and be excited for.
Source: AllThingsD