Google Glass to Cost the Same as a Nexus 4 at Launch?

Google Glass has been one piece of technology that has intrigued many people, and has been banned at many places already. Right now developers have Project Glass, but they paid quite a premium for it. About $1500. At that price, many people said some choice words about the piece of technology, and many said they’d never buy one. Which I agreed with at that price, $1500 is quite a bit for what is essentially “smart glasses”.

Now there’s a new report coming out of Taiwan’s Topology Research Institute that the price of Google Glass could be as low as $300, which is the same price as the 8GB Nexus 4 from Google Play right now. Of course, this isn’t confirmed so you’ll want to take it with a grain of salt. The price estimate is based on the possible bill of materials for Google Glass. The projector inside the Google Glass costs about $30-35 to manufacture and is also made by Himax Display which is in Taiwan.

“We believe wearable devices will face the first wave of growth in the coming one to three years due to their innovative features, and will then experience a rapid growth in the next phase when the market becomes more mature,” chief Topology Research analyst Jason Tsai said.

Less than a month ago, Google announced that it acquired a 6.3% stake in Himax display, which as we already stated, is the company that creates the projector inside Google Glass.

Even with the device costing $300, I still don’t see it becoming a mass market piece of technology, like the Galaxy S4. It’ll probably sell as well as the Nexus line does, especially since I really only see tech geeks like us looking to buy Google Glass. Now I could be wrong, which would be great for Google, especially if they aren’t selling Glass at cost. But then again, Google makes all their money from Ads anyways.

So if Google Glass does indeed hit the market for $300 per pair. Would you consider picking up a pair? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.