Samsung has long-planned a Fingerprint Scanner as far back as the 18 month development and later launch of the GALAXY S3 on May 3, 2012. Indeed the above image had been extracted from the Galaxy S3 ROM. At least in terms of software, Samsung had a vested interest in implementing a Fingerprint Scanner.
In late July it was reported that Samsung and Apple had experienced manufacturing problems that would ultimately sideline Fingerprint Scanners in their respective 2013 flagship smartphones. It seemed that Samsung Foundries were not able to mass produce as many sensors, required for the operation of Fingerprint Scanners, to keep up with smartphone assemblies.
Only days ago @evleaks had released a list of APKs, the Android equivalent to an app installer, found on the GALAXY Note 3. Of the files listed, FingerprintService.apk was of great interest to the tech world. It proved that Samsung had more than just a nearly 3 year interest in Fingerprint Scanners. If not the GALAXY Note 3 then perhaps a Fingerprint Scanner could find its way in to a GALAXY S5 in early 2014.
An insider from Samsung R&D of India has spoken to PhoneArena to confirm that a Fingerprint Scanner was in fact on the GALAXY Note 3. The new Fingerprint Scanner would introduce a guest mode that will allow any person to use your Galaxy Note 3 but limit access to your personal information and files. This guest mode would work much like the guest account on any Windows PC. The key difference here is that instead of requiring a password, the owner of the smartphone would simply touch the home button to assume ownership.
This brings us back to the reports in late July that Samsung and Apple were experiencing manufacturing issues with their respective Fingerprint Scanner. Either the reports only pertained to Apple, the setbacks were overstated or Samsung Foundries had quickly overcome the problems and were on track to introduce a Fingerprint Scanner in the Galaxy Note 3.
I for one look forward to the Fingerprint Scanner on the GALAXY Note 3 as I have relied on facial recognition and a complex password to prevent prying eyes on my Galaxy Note 2. I hope that the new Fingerprint Scanner works with the kill switch. This way when your smartphone is reported lost or stolen, the next time an unrecognized fingerprint is detected the smartphone is rendered useless.