So, according to numerous sources across the web, today is the day that Android 4.4 and the Nexus 5 officially grace the Internet with their presence. After months of leaks and teases, we should certainly think so, too! Even if the 31st is Google’s day, that hasn’t stopped the leaks from hitting the web. Reddit user, with the brilliant username of “throwawaynexus5guy” has a Nexus 5 in his possession and now, he’s been so kind as to share with us some screenshots of Android 4.4 in action.
As you might expect, the shots are similar to that of previous leaks and seem to be showing off an updated Holo look which was refined throughout the Jelly Bean releases and seems a little bit more colorful than previous releases. One particularly interesting shot is off the search bar that asks users to just say “OK Google” which suggests that always listening is coming to the Nexus 5 and it always goes hand in hand with the “OK Glass” tagline of Project Glass.
Throughout the Jelly Bean releases, we all knew and loved the easter egg that allowed to us throw beans around well, this time around it doesn’t look like we’ll be throwing KitKats around:
The settings menu appears to have changed a little bit, too:
Overall, it looks like Android 4.4 is going to be another refinement on what’s come before.
That looks like a fresh new font to us but, we can’t be so sure. In fact, we’re not entirely sure these are legit as they do look pretty pixelated but, they do look very similar to previous leaks we’ve seen of KitKat running. Today is apparently the day that we get to see the Nexus 5 officially get announced and we’re pretty sure that many of you will be glued to your desks and tablets trying to mash the “Buy now” buttons on Google Play and to you guys out there, we can only say this, stick with us and hold on tight.