The Venerable Galaxy Nexus Won't Be Updated to Android 4.4 KitKat


Hey, who’s that handsome smartphone right there? Well, that would be the last Nexus that Samsung produced, the Galaxy Nexus. The same Nexus that bought Android into the HD generation and brought with it Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Many of you might still be running a Galaxy Nexus and frankly, we can’t blame you. When the Android 4.1 update hit the device, it got a major speed boost and things only got better with subsequent releases of Jelly Bean. However, as with most good things in life, they must come to an end. The Galaxy Nexus is saying sayonara to official updates from Google today or rather, Google is sending the G.Nex out to pasture.

Droid-Life is reporting that Google Support is listing the updates for the Nexus devices and which version of Android is coming to them next and unfortunately, the Galaxy Nexus is not on this list, here, take a look for yourself:


Android 4.4 was announced today along with the Nexus 5, which compares nicely to other Android smartphones. Starting at $349 for 16GB, the Nexus 5 is easy enough to upgrade from the Galaxy Nexus but, it’s never nice to see a device put in to early retirement. Having said that though, the Galaxy Nexus did receive Android 4.1, Android 4.2 and Android 4.3 which still makes it more up-to-date than some current smartphones sat on shelves. It’s a shame but, the G.Nex has certainly had a good run.

No matter what though, the Galaxy Nexus will live on thanks to developers and the support of the community which makes these devices so compelling to buyers in the first place. While the Nexus One was technically limited and couldn’t update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, we’re pretty certain that the Galaxy Nexus can handle KitKat, it’s just a matter of time until a dev figures out how to do it. With the Nexus 5 now officially real, have you upgraded? Let us know over on Google+!