It’s just a matter of time before Google finally makes the Nexus 5 available. We already know just about everything about the device, from specs, to design, to even pricing. In fact, it showed up on the Play Store just last week. Pretty much confirming that the 16GB version would be on sale for $349. Last year, Google only announced the black Nexus 4 in October and made it available in November. The White Nexus 4 didn’t show up until about 6 months later, along with the charging orb. However, it looks like this time we’re looking at a black and white version of the Nexus 5 launching together, which would be amazing news.
We’ve already sen the Nexus 5 retail box, which had a white Nexus 5 on there. But now we’ve got a press shot of the Nexus 5 in white. I have to say it looks much better than the Nexus 4 in white did. I, personally, wasn’t a fan of the white Nexus 4 because only the back and sides were white. The front was still black. But with the Nexus 5, it’s all white, and what’s even better is you can’t really see the sensors and stuff at the top, like you can on the white Moto X. Which is the only thing keeping me from getting a white Moto X.
I’d be very happy to see both colors available on launch day, whenever that might be. There’s even rumors of it being available at Best Buy, which would be interesting since they normally only sell contract phones. However, I’d love to be able to pop in to my local Best Buy and pick up my Nexus 5 in a few weeks. Right now, there’s still no confirmation on a date for announcing the Nexus 5 and KitKat. Even though there was an invite going around on Friday, for Oct. 24th, that appears to just be a Google Play event and that there will be “no news” announced and no new hardware at that event. Which is pretty strange in my opinion.
How many of you would buy the white Nexus 5?