The Moto G Will Be Available in Over 30 Countries By 2014; Launching in the US, Europe and Asia Soon

Today marked the official announcement of the Moto G from Motorola and many of you are probably wondering just when and where the Moto G is going to be available. Especially considering that the Moto X was a very much a US-centric device that never left America. While details aren’t concrete right now, the Moto G is certainly a more Global device than the Moto X ever was. Right now, the device is available in purchase in Brazil and in parts of Europe, such as the UK. In the next few weeks however, the device will be far more available.

In the next few weeks, the Moto G will be available throughout Latin America, Canada, Europe and parts of Asia. That’s a sketchy time frame right now but, we’re sure that Motorola is working to get this out there as quickly as possible. Come 2014 however, and the Moto G will be heading to the US, the Middle East and “more of Asia” in January, according to Motorola’s blog.

We’ll have more specific details later on but, right now the Moto G is already looking like a more available smartphone than the Moto X was. With special attention to developing markets, the Moto G features a quad-core CPU from Qualcomm, a great 4.5-inch 720p display and an FM Radio. The radio might seem like a strange choice but, in developing nations like parts of Latin America and Asia, 3G is a luxury late alone 4G so, imaging streaming Google Play Music on 2G? With the FM radio, such markets will be able to listen to music on the go without the hassle, and for free.

Moto G will be available in more than 30 countries across 60 partners throughout 2014, signifying a real push from Motorola to get this out into the hands of users all over the world. When we have more specific details we’ll be sure to share them with you and don’t forget to check out our weekly Android news pieces from around the world and the UK.