Attention fans of LG Mobile, we hope you are also a fan of the LG premium feature known as Knock. The feature will become an LG staple, starting with maintenance updates to all “L” series devices, and possibly every future LG device.
Knock was first seen on the LG G 2, as a standard feature for the premium device. If you haven’t heard of Knock by LG, it is the feature that allows you to simply double tap the screen while the screen is asleep, and the device wakes up. Though the LG G 2 was the first device to use Knock, it hasn’t been the last. LG also added the feature to the G Pad 8.3, as well as the LG G Flex.
Coming January 2014, according to a press release from LG, all L series II devices will get a maintenance update that will include Knock. Given the way that LG talks about the feature, we are sure this will be something that will be on all future devices. “The reaction of audiences to this new feature was so positive that a version for LG’s best-selling L SeriesII was developed to offer the feature to as many customers as possible.” Though Knock makes sense for devices like the LG G 2, since the power button that is usually used to wake up the device, is found on the back.
If the feature is being included on future devices, it is only natural to think maybe the power button will continue to be on the back for LG.
It’s a toss-up here whether or not the buttons on the back are a good thing. There have been plenty of opinions flying around the web. Those of us with hands that fall naturally on the buttons have no problem with it, while others don’t share that opinion. Though Knock could come in handy, even if the buttons weren’t on the back, making those times in bed a lot easier to check the time, or quickly get into your phone.
So now we turn to you, our readers, to find out what you think about the feature. Lets answer the most important questions, first, if you have tried the feature, do you like the feature? Second, even though you can turn the feature off, is this something that would make you buy or not buy the device? Lastly, should this be a standard feature on all LG devices, or just ones with the power buttons on the back?